The main cause of lack of customer satisfaction and customers complaining about inadequate response to their product-related grievances, lack of timely repairs and resolution is not having enough information in hand about the problem and who will resolve it in a timely manner.

It is the most under rated and neglected department as most of the focus is only on bringing in more sales and ensuring uninterrupted production. But, your next order depends on how you respond to your existing customers in a timely manner and resolve their problem quickly. Efficient service management improves customer satisfaction and your market reputation.

Current Service Management Problems that you Face

Automate your Customer Service Management with OmegaCube ERP

It’s time to stop asking the question,
“How to increase my customers’ satisfaction levels?”

Get Manufacturing under your control with the help of OmegaCube ERP’s other advanced enterprise modules

Production Management
 Execution System
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Inventory Management
Sales Management
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